Sunday, February 27, 2011

Give God Your All

Don't refuse to do what God tells you to do. Honestly, I used to get mad and stay mad and I knew that is not what God wanted. I needed to stop fighting what God needed me to do. However long I was stubborn that was how long I was miserable. The longer you put off what he wants you to do, the unhappy you are going to be. He eases and refreshes your soul, your soul is the hidden person of the heart. "I am gentle, meek, humble" and you will find relief, ease, an internal vacation. Even if you laying down and resting your body, but your mind is worried, then you aren't resting, if your resisting God's will in something then you are not resting.

Serious minded Christians eventually learn what it is to have peace, I am addicted to peace, I don't even want to be a little bit upset. God never gives us more than what we can handle, he provides the way out, there is no point in saying 'I can't do this' if it was given to you then you can do it. He never allows more to come on us then what we can bear, with every temptation he also provides the way out.

"It's our attitude, as long as I kept trying to change my husband, there was no peace in my soul because I always had thoughts about everything he did" - Joyce

Some of you may be in situations that you never should of gotten in to, but God does put us together with who and what we need, normally they are very different from us but we should see that as a benefit because that person has what you don't have. They then become a power unit together.

Joyce Meyer: Positive Thinking To Brighten Your Day

Joyce Talking About Pornography And Temptation:

"Don't be looking at pornography. The bible says that we must serve God with caution, shrinking from whatever might offend God. With serious self distrust".

"Ladies don't need to be dressing so provocatively in work places, you can look nice and not go out and be a temptation. 'Well it's style,' we need to come up higher, I've even had a Minister tell me he's had a problem with pornography and he has them take the television out of his hotel room. He's not leaving any open door to be tempted. You are going to be tempted when you are tired, worn out, and spiritually exhausted".

"The Devil gets you when you get out of balance, 'roaming about seeking whom he may devour' be cautious at all times, we have to live more carefully. Stop letting all these things that God wouldn't put up with, into our lives and then act like it doesn't matter".

Joyce Meyer Talks About Obedience

"You will not be happy just because you do what you want to do all the time" - Joyce

"All has been heard, the end of the matter is, fear God, and we need more of that. I am astounded at the things that Christians do and have no fear of God. Where is the fear of God? when people do stuff like that i'm like are you crazy? I mean we have to respect God, almighty God - sees everything, knows everything, is everywhere all the time, our God reigns, revere and worship him knowing that he is, and keep his commandments" - Joyce

"The root of all character, it is developed when we do what God tells us to do, whether we want to or not. You grow spiritually when you do what God asks you to do, to glorify him. We've got to have Godly character, and when you have that you aren't moved by opinions of people, you simply are what you are and you are that all the time". - Joyce

Positive Messages

We are saved by faith, "Paul said to the Galatians in the first 3 versus of chapter " - he said
"having received the holy spirit by faith are you not gonna reach perfection through the works of the flesh". It's that simple child like faith, said Joyce. "we can understand things with our heart that we might never understand with our head, by FAITH we understand how the world was made". "I don't have to explain to people why if im trusting god it hasn't happened yet, I don't know, god has a time table he isn't discussing it with me. I'm gonna die believing God".

We LIVE by faith, we are JUSTIFIED by faith, as if we never sinned, we don't owe anything anymore to God, by faith. Through the Holy Spirits help we can anticipate and look forward to good things, look forward to good health and good relationships. Every day of your life you should say I'M EXPECTING SOMETHING GOOD TO HAPPEN TODAY. I tell you, all hell hates it when you talk like that. So many wonderful things by faith. Faith delivers you from worry. - Joyce Meyer

God has the power to help you, the wisdom to know what to do, and hes good enough to do it whether you deserve it or not, all you have to do is trust him - Joyce